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Who Knew?

Did you ever wonder back in 1999, how much the world would have changed? Well, I have, and I never would have guessed that advances in technology would be where they are. Everything has changed...the way we do basic things, like waking up to a phone that we feel we need to address, or we'll miss out on something. I remember having a good ole cup o' Joe and speaking to your neighbor was normal. Listening to the birds sing in the morning while taking a stretch and thanking the Lord for another day of life. Well, maybe some of that is what you still do, but not the first thing you do in the morning. Anyway, you're wondering where I'm going with this...not very far, because 24-25 years isn't much, in the grand scheme of things.  I watch videos of people who cook outdoors in different countries and they don't poison each other. I see whole families living together and taking care of one another. I see villages where everyone will run out to help you if you need it. I

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